class of 2014


Alexandra serves as a 2021-2022 Visiting Assistant Professor at Occidental College, teaching courses in queer and feminist theory, disability studies, and American studies methods, in the department of American Studies and in the First Year Seminar Program (FYS). She earned her PhD in Cultural Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Critical Theory from the University of California, Davis in June 2021, a Master's in Visual and Critical Studies from California College of the Arts, and a Bachelor's in Comparative American Studies from Oberlin College. In her dissertation, "Enduring Rehabilitation and Addressing Alterity: Interventions in American Cultures of Care and Cure," she uses queer and feminist theory and disability studies to examine U.S. sites of rehabilitation geared towards individuals who grapple with addiction, critiquing their persistent investments in normativity and neoliberal ideals of productivity. She has served as the Queer, Feminist, and Trans Studies Research Cluster Coordinator at UC Davis from 2017-2019, organizing two national conferences with themes focusing on the application of intersectional queer, trans, and feminist theory to considering questions of care, cure, dis/ability, and health equity. She has published in the online journal Gender Forum and in ASAP/Journal (forthcoming in 2022). She has worked for various museums and arts and non-profit organizations, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Exploratorium, Intersection for the Arts, Sins Invalid, Creativity Explored, the Queer Cultural Center, and the Frameline Film Festival.